
2019 Summary

The last year has been like no other. In Jan/Feb my waste disposal system was still not working (following a simple hospital procedure that went badly wrong last November and resulted in me having a rectal prolapse which did a lot of damage). I was in a pretty dreadful state physically and mentally. Life revolved around changing pads every few hours, cleaning up, and applying creams. And Helen had a really bad time of it too, seeing me deteriorate and not being able to do anything to arrest things. Without her unstinting round the clock help though I can't imagine how I'd have coped. Thankfully things improved from the end of February and I started getting out again. By April I could actually sit down, and in May I went out on my bike for the first time - something I'd come to think I'd just never do again. It took six months to get to a state where I could claim some degree of normallity. So a traumatic start to the year, and there has been a lot of related fallout.